residential quarter Saatwinkledamm Berlin

Property details


Saatwinkler Damm 185-235
13629 Berlin

Construction year


Facts and figures

Property size 61,175 m²
Number of rental flats 958
Living space 74,741 m² (incl. balconies + terraces)
Parking spaces 614
Start of construction summer 2021
Completion approx. winter 2024

Object number



Residential-/commerical houses, Residential complexes


Current projects

Involved companies

  • Branch office Berlin
  • Branch office Varsseveld

residential quarter Saatwinkledamm Berlin

With a ground size of 61,175 m2 and 74,740 m2 of living space distributed across 958 residential units, the Saatwinklerdamm project in Germany's capital city Berlin is one of the largest residential quarters in the Group's portfolio. The project site formerly belonged to the SIEMENS company and is now being transformed into urban living space with a children daycare center, playground, commercial space and retail.

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